Written by Sarah Bourns, produced by The Alliance
After years of silence, injustice,
Oppression and pain
Jesus stood up in the temple
And announced why He came.
On this day of fulfillment
He opened the scroll
And read from the prophet
Of His kingdom call.
That He was anointed
By the Spirit of the Lord
To bind up the broken
And bring good news to the poor.
To heal the wounded
To release the captive
To comfort the mourners
To make beauty from ashes.
To build up ancient ruins
To repair devastations
To raise up generations
To bless all peoples, all nations.
Then, the Messiah proclaimed this to be
A Year of Jubilee, of setting people free
Of making wrongs right
And turning darkness to light.
And that was indeed what He did.
He didn’t come only to die
But to show us how to live.
So now, here we are,
Many years since that day
Our Messiah, still working,
Our call, still the same.
He invites us to join him
He beckons us close
He supplies all we need,
And sends us to go.
With his power and anointing,
By the Spirit of the Lord,
We go to bind up the broken
And bring good news to the poor.
We heal the wounded
And release the captive
We comfort the mourners
And help make beauty from ashes.
We build up ancient ruins
And repair devastations
We raise up generations
To bless all peoples, all nations.
And we wait for his coming
We long for His light
We hope in His kingdom
When all wrongs are made right.
inspired by Luke 4 and Isaiah 61