Spiritual Direction

Cultivating stillness so your soul can find rest

“The soul is like a wild animal—tough, resilient, savvy, self-sufficient and yet exceedingly shy. If we want to see a wild animal, the last thing we should do is to go crashing through the woods, shouting for the creature to come out. But if we are willing to walk quietly into the woods and sit silently for an hour or two at the base of a tree, the creature we are waiting for may well emerge, and out of the corner of an eye we will catch a glimpse of the precious wildness we seek.” ~ Parker J. Palmer

In my practice of spiritual direction, I offer gentle guidance and reflection so you can do more of your good work from a place of rest and introspection.

Much like the rhythm of my SELAH Letter, my approach includes various readings (poetry or Scripture) to center our focus, experiential practices to engage with, and helpful prompts for discussion and soul care. Throughout the sessions, our posture remains one of prayerful listening and stillness as we explore where the Holy Spirit leads. 

My deepest desire is that these times usher you into a sacred space of healing, compassion and discovery with Jesus as your Guide.

Individual Sessions

During one-on-one spiritual direction sessions I meet with an individual (virtually or in person) to provide a quiet, peaceful place to listen to the Holy Spirit together. The "directee" may bring a question for the Lord, a desire for wisdom regarding a decision/transition they're navigating, or a desire for deeper reconnection with Christ. As the director, I simply ask questions to help you pay attention to your own soul and to God's voice while offering practices or exercises to facilitate this time with the Holy Spirit. I trust that God will take us wherever you need to go that day. I have no agenda for you, we simply want to carve out the space and time for holy listening.

Monthly Prayer & Practice

Once a month, I offer a virtual group spiritual direction session centered around reflection. During this hour together, we will intentionally pause and create white space for spiritual introspection. These guided times include Scripture meditation, a short teaching, silent prayer, and practical exercises to be explored during the session and continued throughout the coming month. The goal is to create a rhythm of communal inspiration and soul care.