A B I D E : Sacred Power
Written by Sarah Bourns, Produced by Josh Whiteman
I cannot force a seed to grow
But I can be faithful just to sow
I cannot, alone, bear much fruit
But I can, in Him, burrow down deep roots
I cannot produce leaves on the vine,
But I can sit still and simply abide.
Oh Lord,
There’s so much that I want to do For You
But there’s really nothing I can do Without You.
I can try
I can strive
I can muster my own strength
And get by.
But, it would be shallow
A field lying fallow
A well, sitting empty and dry.
Which is why
You say, to come and abide.
A branch on its own will wither and die
But attached to the source, it is bursting with life.
You say, without you,
I can do nothing at all
And I know that it’s true
Though I forget that a lot..
But I’m tired of pretending
Of performing and perfecting
What I need is fresh anointing
Overflowing and indwelling.
And you say, there’s a way,
To draw near and to stay,
At Your feet, at Your side,
Here, to simply remain.
Remain in Your love
Remain in Your truth
Remain in Your word
Remain in… You.
And You will sustain me
Tend me or prune me
Nourish and fill me
Or gently uproot me
And I will stay right here
I’ll trust you, I need you
I’ll be waiting upon you
Willing to receive you
Your presence
Your power
Your filling
Your fire.
It’s the only way to bear much fruit.
However it comes
Whatever the cost
Whatever it takes
Whatever is lost
You’re worth it.
You’re good.
You love me
You’ve got me.
So now, Lord,
Do whatever you need to do in me
For whatever you want to do through me.