Pandemic Prayers and Poetry [Extended Edition]
On March 21, 2020, I posted a poem about the virus that ironically went viral and launched me into a year of writing my way through our corporate loss, lack, and longing. I shared these laments on social media under #pandemicprayersandpoetry and now offer them in print— a time capsule of a year we could never forget, though we may still need help seeing with 20/20 vision.
May these gifts of poetry and art help to unlock the deeper places within our hearts.
On March 21, 2020, I posted a poem about the virus that ironically went viral and launched me into a year of writing my way through our corporate loss, lack, and longing. I shared these laments on social media under #pandemicprayersandpoetry and now offer them in print— a time capsule of a year we could never forget, though we may still need help seeing with 20/20 vision.
May these gifts of poetry and art help to unlock the deeper places within our hearts.
On March 21, 2020, I posted a poem about the virus that ironically went viral and launched me into a year of writing my way through our corporate loss, lack, and longing. I shared these laments on social media under #pandemicprayersandpoetry and now offer them in print— a time capsule of a year we could never forget, though we may still need help seeing with 20/20 vision.
May these gifts of poetry and art help to unlock the deeper places within our hearts.
“Out of the darkness of 2020 came this beautiful book of light. Sarah’s words are timeless, honest, and faithful. Each piece beautifully wraps hope and sincerity, giving the reader something special. I found myself re-reading her words, not because I didn’t understand, but because I knew spending time with them would take me deeper.”
“Sarah’s prayers and poetry are a gift to the church and the world, psalms for our day to center us in a reality that breathes hope and life in the midst of tragedy and heartache. I know her words have been such a lifeline for me in moments of distress and pain - gentle yet poignant reminders to sit, breathe, remember, reflect, and ultimately, live. I am so grateful for these prayers and poetry and I trust they will bless many for generations. ”
“Sarah is profoundly insightful as she puts words to the weight of the realities we’ve navigated during the pandemic. Her words and Spirit-anointed gifts have pastored me from afar and ushered in hope during a turbulent season. Her writings are illuminating, challenging and inspiring—modern psalms of lament, hope, and assurance of God’s faithfulness for our day.”