Soul Poetry
Welcome! As a writer and spiritual director, I offer my poems, practices, and honest prayers to unlock the deeper places of your heart. I’m so glad you’re here.
Meet Sarah
California girl living in Ohio
Fast walker, slow talker
Curious question asker
Married at 40
Twin mama at 41
Part-pastor, part-poet
Inspiration & care for your
spiritual journey
Books by Sarah
What People Are Saying
“Sarah offers an artful theopoetic—a way of delivering genuine theological insight without recourse to propositional logic—that guides her readers to an appreciation of God through awe and wonder rather than simply acquiring more knowledge and information. We are grateful.”
— Alan Hirsch, Author, Missional leader
“As the collection of Psalms in our Holy Scriptures remind us, poetry has a place—not only in literature—but also in our souls. Particularly during times of challenge or crises, thoughtful poetry has often been a God-blessed tool to heal, enlarge, deepen and challenge us. Sarah is a rising poetic voice among us that will capture many ears and hearts.”
— John Stumbo, President, Christian & Missionary Alliance
“Sarah has crafted beautiful prayers that prophetically beckon us to en-gage the innermost parts of our humanity with the mystery of the Divine. Find yourself in the midst of these hopeful and honest poems, and more importantly, discover God in more profound ways through Sarah’s prayers and prose.”